Furniture made from solid ash - use in the interior and care rules


A beautiful tree with openwork foliage - ash, has durable wood with warm coloring, pronounced texture and natural shine. Ash furniture combines high quality, reliability and practicality. The material is easy to process; it can be used to create both standard simple products and exclusive models. At the same time, the cost of furniture belongs to the average price category.

Ash furniture: pros and cons

Ash is one of the most popular materials in modern furniture production. Its undeniable advantages over other types of wood are its high resistance to mechanical loads and its uniquely beautiful texture, the pristine brightness and clear pattern of which are preserved even after a long period of use. Please note that the online furniture store for office and home in Moscow is presented via the link to the website

Advantages of ash furniture

Ash, as a reliable and environmentally friendly material, is widely used in the modern furniture industry. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to oak, elm and beech. Its wood is characterized by brightly expressed fibers and a rich color palette - from soft pink, gray and slightly yellow to dark reddish and purple shades. The specific porosity of ash makes this wood an ideal material for creating the effect of patinated furniture. Its natural texture is so attractive to the eye that it does not require any additional tinting except for treatment with clear varnish.

The main advantages of ash products are the following:

  • Respectable look
  • Ecological cleanliness
  • Endurance
  • Durability
  • Multifunctionality

Furniture made from solid ash has a solid and reliable appearance. It brings a feeling of harmony and comfort to the home environment. Products made from this type of wood look elegant and solid; they easily combine with any interior from classic to modern. If we add to all the positive qualities of ash its magical protective properties, the presence of which the ancient Druids had no doubt, it is easy to come to the conclusion that you simply cannot find a better material for a set of furniture in an apartment or country house.

Myth 4. Solid wood kitchens require complex maintenance

Wooden kitchens really need to be looked after more carefully than, for example, plastic ones. The contaminated surface must be cleaned as soon as possible with a soft cloth or sponge. Special products are used for deep cleaning. In addition, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the wood comes into contact with water as little as possible and immediately wipe dry any spilled liquids.

Wood has a porous structure, so even the densest wood tends to accumulate dirt in the depths. To avoid this, wooden surfaces are varnished or treated with special oil. Oiled wood looks more natural and light damage is less noticeable, but oiling should be a regular procedure.

Performance characteristics and scope

Unlike many other types of wood, ash does not shrink after drying. It is resistant to mechanical shock and quite elastic. Thanks to these characteristics, ash wood is often used for making frames and carved decor of varying complexity. High resistance to mechanical loads, combined with the uniquely beautiful texture of this wood, allows you to create intricate spatial structures that have a long service life and aesthetic design.

Furniture makers use ash wood for the following purposes:

  • Finishing of cabinet and soft elements
  • Making frames for upholstered furniture
  • Manufacturing of walls, chairs, beds, armchairs, drawers, pencil cases and chests of drawers
  • Making furniture with a patination effect

Ash wood can be used as a solid mass or as veneer for finishing. Solid wood is used in the manufacture of various furnishings with exquisite curved shapes. Veneer is used as a finishing material for furniture sets.

Features of furniture care and performance characteristics of ash

Solid ash furniture from the manufacturer Derevyagino does not require special care. The wood is resistant to high temperatures and humidity. However, to preserve the product and extend its service life, it is necessary to install furnishings away from places with temperature changes.

Wood is also a fairly durable material. With a weak impact, no marks will be left on the surface of the product. But in case of chips and scratches, the damaged areas are sanded using fine sandpaper, and then varnished. If minor defects are found, use a wax pencil.

Use a damp sponge for cleaning. After each wiping procedure, you need to wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth. Grease stains are rarely removed with plain water. To eliminate them, use special cleaning products for furniture made of wood. To avoid damaging the surface with too much detergent, use a spray bottle. No additional care procedures are required.

Ash performance characteristics

Ash is readily used due to several important performance characteristics of the material:

  • no shrinkage after drying;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • good elasticity;
  • high level of resistance to mechanical loads;
  • unique texture.

The presented properties make it possible to create furniture of unusual design from eco-solid wood that has a long service life.

The material is used by furniture production for the manufacture of:

  • products with a patination effect;
  • upholstered furniture frames;
  • chairs, tables, chests of drawers and other furnishings;
  • finishing of elements of soft and cabinet products.

Wood is also used as a solid mass. Raw materials are used to create furnishings or decorative elements. Veneer is made from wood and is used in finishing furniture made from other wood species. Kitchen units are often finished with the resulting material.

After processing, the wood is difficult to distinguish from more expensive wood materials. It has a number of positive characteristics that make it possible to produce high-quality and presentable products from it.

Ash furniture is used in many rooms. It is used to furnish bedrooms, children's rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and offices.

In our catalog you can view photos of furniture made from solid ash, as well as interior design options with products made from this wood.

Disadvantages and operating conditions

The use of ash significantly affects the cost of furniture in the direction of increasing prices. However, significant material costs more than pay for themselves, since things made from this wood are of the highest quality, and are in no way inferior in beauty to products made from mahogany.

In addition to the relatively high cost, the main disadvantages of ash are considered to be low resistance to moisture and vulnerability to bacteria. Treatment with special antiseptic compounds helps to achieve sufficient resistance of this natural material to the effects of microorganisms, but in terms of the rate of decay in conditions of high humidity, ash continues to take first place among elite wood species. Furniture made from ash cannot be used in rooms with high humidity - baths and saunas. But in a dry, well-heated apartment, objects made from this wood will serve their owners for a very long time.

In order for ash products to retain their attractiveness for a long time, it is necessary to follow simple rules for caring for wooden surfaces. If necessary, furniture can be treated with a soft damp cloth, but after this it must be wiped dry. It is recommended to clean contaminated areas only with special sprays. A wax pencil should be used to mask any scratches that appear.

Tips for care and use

To ensure that furniture does not lose its attractiveness, it needs to be properly cared for. The appearance largely depends on how well the wooden surface was processed by the manufacturer. In any case, you can extend the service life of products if you do not place them near heating devices, since high temperatures contribute to the deformation of the fibers. The best option is if the scale on the room thermometer does not rise above 25.

Classification of solid wood cabinets, furniture features

This type of wood is not afraid of mechanical stress, however, over time, scratches and chips may appear on the surface. To give the damaged areas their original appearance, they need to be sanded with fine abrasive sandpaper, and then covered with a thin layer of varnish. Minor damage can be repaired using a special wax pencil. If dirt appears on surfaces, use a soft, damp cloth or sponge. After treatment, the furniture must be wiped with a dry cloth. To combat greasy stains, special aerosols are used.

You can extend the life of furniture if you place it away from heating appliances

To clean furniture, it is better to use a soft, damp cloth or sponge.

You can remove greasy stains from furniture with special aerosols.

Ash furniture: pros and cons

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Solid ash furniture

Ash is a popular material for furniture. During manufacturing, ash furniture It is worth noting that furniture made from this material will look stylish and be reliable. If you want to add a touch of classicism to your interior, then high-quality solid ash furniture is what you need.

What is an array and why is it good?

Solid wood is a natural material that is used for the production of luxury furniture brands.

IllustrationsVarieties of array
Made from solid wood
. In fact, it is a solid board obtained by longitudinal sawing of a log. The disadvantage of this option is that the width of the material is limited by the width of the board, which, with rare exceptions, does not exceed 400-500 mm.
Assembled from lamellas (furniture panel)
. This is a more common option, in which the furniture panel is assembled from wooden boards - lamellas, which are glued together so that the seams are as less noticeable as possible and as durable as possible.

Solid wood at domestic enterprises is made mainly from coniferous wood (spruce, pine). Coniferous lumber is distinguished by its reasonable price combined with low density and low strength of the finished product.

Less commonly, birch, ash, alder and Far Eastern oak are used for gluing into inlaid panels. The price of this option is higher than the cost of coniferous analogues, but the finished furniture is also stronger and more durable.

Advantages of kitchen sets made from solid wood:

  • Practicality
    . Headsets made from natural wood are durable and highly maintainable. Having paid a considerable amount, be sure that the furniture will serve your grandchildren. And even if the wooden surface is damaged, restoration instructions will not be difficult, because there are special putties and suitable paints and varnishes on sale.
  • Environmental Safety
    . Wood is a completely natural material that does not contain toxins or allergens. Therefore, unlike sets assembled from chipboard and MDF, such furniture is completely safe.
  • Aesthetics
    . Classic furniture made from natural wood looks much more solid and attractive than similar products assembled from particle boards and other budget materials.
  • Justified investments
    . When buying a set of cheap materials, we know that after a few years, such modular furniture will lose its original appearance and original strength, and therefore will go to a landfill. With sets made of natural wood, everything is different, since, even after long-term use, they can be resold at a profit.


  • Heavy weight
    . Classic solid wood furniture is heavy, which makes it difficult to move it from place to place during use.
  • Demanding requirements for operating conditions
    . Natural wood does not like direct sunlight, sudden temperature changes, excess or insufficient humidity.

What is made from natural wood for the kitchen?

IllustrationsExamples of solid wood kitchen furniture
Solid wood kitchen table
. Table supports are made from solid bars, while a solid board is used for the tabletop or, as shown in the photo, the tabletop is assembled from boards.

If a furniture panel is used instead of a tabletop, its surface is covered with veneer made from wood species such as cherry, oak, etc.

Classic chairs for the dining area
. This is traditional furniture that is assembled from wooden boards. Wooden chairs are varnished, polished or painted.
Stools and chairs with low backs
. Bar stools and beautiful stools, assembled from a solid piece of wood, will fit perfectly not only into a classic, but also into a modern kitchen interior.
Wall cabinets
. When making wall cabinets, the facade is made from solid wood, while the body is assembled from less expensive lumber.

Considering the large weight of wall cabinets made of solid wood, not only the fastening hardware must be strong, but also the walls on which the installation is carried out.

Kitchen cabinets
. Wooden kitchen cabinets, like wall cabinets, are assembled using solid wood fronts and less expensive side designs.
Freestanding or corner chairs
. A corner sofa (corner) is a traditional piece of furniture that is used in many kitchens. Unlike cheap chipboard counterparts, solid wood corner furniture can be used for decades, and its age will only be noticeable by the condition of the upholstery.
Prefabricated racks or individual shelves
. This is an open alternative to wall cabinets. Solid wood shelves can be purchased ready-made, or you can make them yourself.
  • We arrange the furniture in the kitchen in such a way that it does not get hot from the stove
    . If the cabinets are located close to the stove, thermally insulating paronite gaskets can be used as a barrier.

Get into the habit of using trivets for hot dishes. Accidentally touching a hot pot or frying pan to a polished wooden countertop will result in stains that are difficult to remove.

  • We do not allow the wood to get wet
    . To do this, promptly wipe the dining table from moisture. As an option, you can use polishes with a high wax content to protect against moisture.
  • It is advisable to cover windows facing the sunny side with curtains or install blinds
    . Dark wooden furniture in direct sunlight fades and becomes lighter. If the furniture is varnished, the surface will become covered with small cracks from direct sunlight.

The production of furniture from ash is carried out in several stages. First, high-quality solid wood is selected that meets existing standards. There should be no traces of insect activity, knots, or irregularities on its surface. Wood of the European species Fraxinus excelsior is mainly used to make solid ash furniture. It can often be seen planted along the busy avenues of large cities. In the wild, it grows near streams and rivers, in wet floodplain forests.

The production of furniture from ash is widespread throughout the world. The high popularity of this type of wood is due to the presence of valuable characteristics. For example, in terms of hardness, representatives of the genus Fraxinus are not inferior to oak, beech, and elm. Their density at a humidity of 14% is 690 kg/m³. In online stores you can see the color of Shimo ash furniture in both light and dark shades. This is due to the variability of the color of the wood core. Young wood is usually colored gray, yellowish or almost white. Older trees have a reddish color when cut. Narrow woody rays and multi-row growth rings form a beautiful structural pattern.

Features of ash furniture

The structural features of such wood are different:

  • ➡ warm coloring;
  • ➡ natural shine;
  • ➡ aesthetics.

Such furniture will serve as a unique detail of interior design, which is created by the work of professional furniture makers. It must be said that ash wood is quite capable of competing with mahogany furniture. Ash furniture can emphasize the comfort of a living space and add harmony to everyday life. Ash is distinguished by its high density and unusual texture. It can be compared to oak wood. The wood lends itself well to processing. Due to its excellent mechanical characteristics, furniture made from ash is durable and protected from external factors. It can withstand any mechanical impact and will retain its appearance for many years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Products made from ash wood are effective components of any room design. Such furniture will be comfortable, suitable for relaxation, work and parties. The advantages of this type of material are:

  • ➡ environmental friendliness;
  • ➡ unpretentiousness in maintenance;
  • ➡ wear resistance;
  • ➡ aesthetic appearance;
  • ➡ versatility;
  • ➡ wide functionality;
  • ➡ durability;
  • ➡ high degree of sound insulation;
  • ➡ excellent thermal insulation.

Despite a long range of advantages, ash wood has one significant drawback. For example, it is not characterized by a high content of tannins. This suggests that furniture made from such wood does not tolerate moisture well. However, this problem can be solved if the product is treated with a moisture-repellent preparation for furniture.

Application of ash

Solid ash is used in the manufacture of furniture of various styles, except hi-tec. The furniture will look very elegant in a classic composition. It also harmonizes perfectly with styles such as modern and baroque. Due to its plasticity and texture, it is possible to make furniture from ash with various decorative elements. Ash furniture stands out:

  • ➡ solid appearance;
  • ➡ long service life;
  • ➡ resistance to temperature changes;
  • ➡ resistance to deformation.

Features and advantages of ash furniture, combination with interior

Ash wood is one of the most popular types of natural raw materials, ideal for the manufacture of various furniture structures. Despite the fact that this variety is not expensive, tables, chairs, and cabinets made from it are considered strong and reliable. Wood is easy to process and can be used to create both standard and complex models. If you need to choose high-quality and stylish furniture for yourself, ash will be one of the best options. But before placing an order, it is worth understanding what advantages the material has and what care it requires.

What to choose: oak or ash?

Have you decided to install parquet, but can’t decide which wood to choose? In this article we will tell you how oak parquet differs from ash parquet, and what are the advantages of each of these two types of wood.

Both oak and ash are hardwoods. They are durable, resistant to mechanical stress and are characterized by high resistance to various loads and a noble appearance. However, despite the fact that many of the characteristics of these types of wood are somewhat similar, there are also some differences between them that are important to know about for those choosing parquet.

Features of wood

The prevalence of ash furniture is due to the numerous advantages of the material and its beautiful appearance. This variety has a unique structure, a clear, pronounced pattern, which, with careful use, will retain its original brightness for many years. The alternation of light stripes with dark ones makes the appearance of the array stylish, and its use is universal, since the raw materials can be used to create a wide variety of furniture, not only classical, but also avant-garde. Other advantages of the breed include:

  1. High strength characteristics: the array is resistant to delamination, drying out, and other deformations. It is not afraid of mechanical influences, including regular cleaning with detergents (the main thing is that they are chosen correctly).
  2. High degree of sound insulation.
  3. Excellent plasticity - you can make products of the most unusual shapes.
  4. Beautiful clear pattern, pronounced shine.
  5. Environmental Safety. Ash is often used to make furniture for children's rooms.
  6. The ability to resist toxins, foreign odors, and other harmful microelements - wood repels them without absorbing them into the surface.
  7. Solid, expensive appearance of finished tables, cabinets and other elements of the furniture.

Despite its many advantages, ash furniture also has its weaknesses. The main disadvantage of the breed is its relatively low tannin content. This feature makes the furniture susceptible to moisture and steam. The problem can be solved by using special impregnations and protective compounds. As an additional measure, furniture made from ash can be periodically treated with water-repellent preparations.

It’s worth making a decision to purchase furniture made from ash after weighing all the pros and cons of this breed.

Solid ash has high strength characteristics

Excellent plasticity allows you to produce products of the most unusual shapes

This type of wood has a beautiful pattern and pronounced shine.

Ash is often used to make children's furniture

Products made from ash have a solid appearance

What rooms are furniture made from solid ash for?

Furniture made from solid ash looks solid and reliable. It creates a special atmosphere of harmony, comfort, and tranquility. Furniture makers often enhance the natural color with natural tinting varnishes. This makes it easy to fit wooden products into classic and ultra-modern interiors. Currently you can buy ash furniture for any room:


Living room;



Prices for ash furniture have long become affordable to everyone. It can be seen especially often in children's rooms. Natural material does not contain toxins or harmful volatile substances. On all products intended for small children, the corners are rounded. Light ash furniture does not irritate the nervous system. It is suitable for games and educational activities. The flat tabletop of chest of drawers No. 5 is very convenient for swaddling newborn babies. The drawers and niche will accommodate diapers, nappies, and baby food. When the baby grows up, the chest of drawers will be filled with toys and educational games.

Living room furniture made of ash should be comfortable. In this room they work, relax, and receive guests. Therefore, a variety of furnishings are placed here, including chairs, tables, sideboards, cabinets, and sofas. Ash cabinet furniture can be used to store books and outerwear. Televisions, stereo systems, and organizational equipment are installed on horizontal surfaces. The Bergamo TV stand is highly versatile. In its niches you can place a Blu-Ray player, magazines, and small items. The drawers are suitable for linen, dishes, and bedding.

Most buyers prefer to choose dark-colored ash furniture for the hallway. It harmonizes well with light finishing materials. Furniture in dark ash color has a characteristic rectangular shape and shallow depth. Narrow cabinets and cabinets are easier to fit into fairly tight spaces. Mandatory furnishing elements here are soft seats, hooks for clothes, and bedside tables for shoes. A large family should pay attention to the spacious Veneziano wardrobe. Its doors have mirrors that are resistant to scratches and mechanical damage. In addition to internal shelves, the closet has 2 spacious mezzanines.

In the bedroom, Shimo furniture made of ash should promote relaxation and sound, healthy sleep. That is why interior designers approach the furnishings of a bedroom with great care. Many of them believe that white ash furniture is most preferable here. Soft light colors have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. An important factor is the environmental purity of wood. Eco-furniture made from ash is made exclusively from solid wood. It is treated only with natural varnishes and mastics. For convenience, it is customary to place Bergamo bedside tables near the bed. They are equipped with two drawers for books and various small items. You can put a lamp on the top panel.

What kind of furniture is it suitable for?

Ash is used to produce a wide variety of designs: bedroom and kitchen sets, bathroom sets. Its popularity is due not only to its attractiveness and reliability, but also to another feature - unlike many other species, this type of wood firmly holds the fittings, thereby increasing the service life of the products. Furniture made of ash is represented by sets:

  1. For bathroom. The material, coated with protective compounds, is not afraid of humidity and steam, therefore it is often used for the manufacture of cabinets, chests of drawers, pencil cases, and shelving for these rooms. The most common shades are white, gray, wenge. As a rule, products are made in a minimalist design, but if you wish, you can choose classic models - with patina, gilding, carvings.
  2. For bedrooms and living rooms. Such sets are made in both classic and modern designs, so you can choose them to suit any interior. Depending on the direction, products can have straight geometric shapes or non-standard shapes. Curved legs, carvings, mirrors or paintings are often used for decoration. Light and dark ash furniture looks stylish, expensive, and elegant.
  3. For kitchen. Almost every furniture factory produces kitchen sets from this type of wood. They are especially popular among people who prefer a classic style. Thanks to special impregnations, this wood is not afraid of moisture and does not absorb odors, so it is ideal for rooms where food is prepared.

Furniture facades can be covered with acrylic, PVC film or other decorative and protective compounds. But most often a thick layer of varnish is simply applied to the surface, which emphasizes the natural beauty of the array.

For bathroom

For the bedroom

For the living room

For kitchen

Ash shade in the interior

Ash, with its characteristic wood grain, is very popular among modern interior designers. It can have many shades that can add notes of elegance and nobility to the room.

Shimo ash shade in the hallway interior Source

Light tones of shimo ash will be appropriate in Provence, classic and minimalist styles. Such furniture will be especially impressive when combined with snow-white laminate flooring and an interior door that matches the cabinet. This will visually expand the room, making it lighter. Light shimo can refresh, so it is recommended to choose it for those who feel psychological stress and suffer from chronic fatigue.

Bedroom set in shimo ash Source

Dark shimo ash is more suitable for the production of doors, flooring, chests of drawers, cabinets for shoes and clothes. Moreover, they should contrast sharply with the color of the walls. Dark shades of shimo will make the atmosphere more romantic and relaxed. At the same time, it will allow you to add depth to a space that lacks it.

Combination of light and dark wood Source

Combination with the interior

Since ash sets are available in different designs, they can be successfully integrated into almost any interior design. This natural and noble material is suitable for classic and modern interiors. Ash furniture looks most interesting in the following style directions:

  1. Modern. The style involves combining contrasting shades and bright patterns. Furniture should have simple straight shapes and a minimum of decor.
  2. Classic. The most suitable option for a set made of ash. The style is characterized by the use of natural colors and light gloss. Furniture must be in harmony with the walls and flooring.
  3. Country. If this direction is used to decorate the room, the furniture can be made in both bright and contrasting colors. The main thing is that the colors are natural. The style is characterized by drawings and paintings on the walls, and complex textiles.

As for the color scheme, ash furniture is combined in the interior with almost all representatives of the palette. Natural shades are considered the most suitable for this breed.

Brown, coffee, and milky tones harmonize best with ash furniture.




Combination of shades

Thanks to the wide range of shades, it is not difficult to choose a companion for ash. Suitable for dark tones: golden, blue, chocolate, orange, pink, cream, olive. The following colors will look best with light colors: peach, white, raspberry, lilac, salmon, wine, blue-green, khaki.

Light ash will look perfect against a dark wall. If it turns out to be too light, then the situation may turn out to be faceless.

Bedroom in brown and olive tones Source

Solid wood table. Beech, oak, pine, ash, hevea, wenge or walnut? Pros and cons of different breeds.

Nowadays, there are many materials for making tables: laminated chipboard, MDF, steel, stone, glass, plastic. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, but the most popular, high-quality material that never goes out of fashion is wood. However, the array can be different. Which breed should I choose? What are the pros and cons of the most popular tree varieties? More on this below.

Solid wood has undeniable advantages over other raw materials. Namely:

  • Environmental friendliness, absence of harmful fumes, beneficial effect on human well-being and mood.
  • High wear resistance. Furniture made from natural wood will last for many years and can be restored if necessary.
  • Good compatibility with other materials. A solid wood table looks harmonious not only in a classic interior, but also in a modern setting.
  • Solid appearance. Wooden tables look expensive and often become the main item in the room.

Pros of solid wood kitchens

  • They have a solid and stylish appearance , which emphasizes the wealth of the owners.
  • The texture of wood is very expressive , so wooden kitchens look noble even with a simple design.
  • They have a long service life.
  • Create a favorable indoor microclimate.
  • They look harmonious in interiors of various styles: from classic to high-tech.
  • Do not harm human health . Wooden furniture is made from natural and environmentally friendly materials that practically do not cause allergies, and the aroma of natural resins has a beneficial effect on the body. Despite the fact that glue, stain, and varnish are used in the production of such furniture, they do not emit dangerous compounds and are completely safe for human health. No other furniture material can compare with wood in terms of health safety. This factor is especially important for families with children and allergy sufferers.
  • Scratches and cracks that may form during operation can be easily removed using special products.
  • It is easier to make carved jewelry from wood.
  • The combination of warm wood with cool metal elements often creates original and stylish solutions.
  • The wooden surface is pleasant to touch.
  • A significant advantage is the possibility of restoration.

Which wood to choose for the table?

Having decided on the shape and dimensions of the table, you should choose the material for its manufacture. There are different types of wood from which furniture is made. Each has its own characteristics and advantages.

Oak tables are a guarantee of quality, practicality and durability. Oak has properties such as hardness, dense fiber structure, and high resistance to rotting processes. A table made from it does not deform under the influence of moisture or temperature, and is easy to process and varnish. It will serve for many years both in the kitchen and in the office or living room. The oak table has a mustard-chocolate, light yellow or brown tint. Disadvantage: high price.

A table made of beech is a more economical option, but is not inferior in appearance and mechanical strength to oak. The dense structure of beech fibers ensures the durability of products made from it, and additional processing will prevent rotting during frequent contact with water, when it comes to the kitchen. Beech tables can be identified by their beautiful color, and there are many shades to choose from, from beige, pale yellow to pink and brown. In addition, beech is easy to mill (cut on CNC machines). Therefore, all the most beautiful doors, with carved patterns and stylish decor, are made from beech. The disadvantages of the material include the fact that beech does not like sudden changes in humidity and can slightly change color from direct sunlight. True, many other tree species suffer from the same drawback.

An ash table is characterized by strength, flexibility and resistance to deformation. It is distinguished by its exquisite appearance. Ash can be compared in beauty to mahogany; the alternation of light and dark fibers creates an original texture. Defects can be hidden by an additional coating, which increases moisture resistance and resistance to rot, and also allows you to change the gray-yellow shade of the wood, making it brighter or darker.


Terracotta-colored wood of medium strength, which practically does not rot or wear out. The disadvantage of this type of wood is that it is difficult to process due to its high resin content.

A pine table needs a special coating, since this wood is quite soft and prone to rotting. Its main advantage is its relatively low price and interesting appearance. Light beige or white tables look good in an office or room.

Walnut, like pine, is a species that is moderately resistant to decay. But at the same time, this wood is durable, has a beautiful texture and a wide range of shades.

Tables made of Wenge breed are not afraid of mold and mildew, durable and interesting in appearance: light or dark coffee, black. However, natural wenge (solid wood) material is too rare, expensive, and difficult to process due to its oiliness. Most often, it is used to make MDF or chipboard, the boards of which are used to make doors and furniture.

Cream and light pink Hevea wood comes from the tropics and therefore withstands temperature changes and high humidity well. It is considered a durable material, but there are also disadvantages. Hevea loves humidity. And it scratches easily. But it is very cheap.


Dry ash

Ya canopy dry belongs to the olive family. The word “ash” (according to Dahl) comes from the word “clear”, since the leaves of the ash tree are relatively rare, and there is light under the ash tree.

In Greek mythology, ash embodies strength, power and is associated with Zeus in the pantheon of gods. The Romans also associated this magnificent, regal tree with Jupiter, the father of the gods. Over time, ash gradually gained a reputation as a purely masculine tree, just as alder, for example, symbolizes the feminine. The Scandinavian peoples have a myth about the Cosmic Tree - the ash tree Yggdrasil, which connects the underworld, the earth and the seven heavens - all nine promised worlds. Thus, ash connects the world of gods with the world of people, the material world with the spiritual world. The Scandinavians believed that ash is a tree of rebirth and renewal.

There are approximately 65 species of ash in the world. The height of the ash tree is 25-35 meters, width up to 1 meter. Ash grows in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Ash is considered one of the most valuable deciduous trees in the European part of Russia. Ash wood is easy to process. When drying, the change in volume is negligible. Ash wood has a light yellow color with a beautiful grain pattern. Ash is more susceptible to warping when the humidity regime is disturbed. Ash is mainly used in the production of doors and furniture. Ash is also used for the production of sports equipment.

Dry ash board: advantages

Dry Ash is harder than oak, but at the same time very elastic

When considering the benefits of Ash, it is better to focus on three types with the greatest variety of beneficial properties and uses.

White ash

White Ash (Fraxinus americana L.) is considered the most valuable member of the Ash family. Due to its resistance to hardness, elasticity, strength and shock, ash wood of this species has many uses for the carpenter. White ash is used in the furniture industry and in the manufacture of floors. If cut into 3-by-3-inch pieces, it can also be converted into baseball bats. White ash is very elastic; because of this feature, edgings are made (around bar counters, etc.). Finally, because of its elasticity and ability to bend without disturbing the texture, ash board is used to make hockey sticks and tool handles. White ash is also used as fuel.

Black ash (Fraxinus black March.)

It also has numerous very useful characteristics. It is also elastic and bendable, and black ash will retain its new shape after drying. It is also used as fuel.

Blue ash

It was named not for its color, but because of the particularly beneficial properties of ash tree sap. When exposed to air, the tree's sap turns blue. When the first settlers stumbled upon this, they began using the sap of the Blue Ash tree to produce a blue dye to color their homespun cloth. In later times, traditional spinners and weavers often continue this practice.

Identifying ash

"Spiky" bark:

On mature trees (left), the bark is dense and displays a diamond-shaped pattern. On young trees (right), the bark is relatively smooth.

Leaf structure:

The leaves contain from 5 to 11 leaflets with smooth or serrated edges. The leaflets are arranged opposite each other with one at the very top.


If present, the seeds are usually dry and hang in clusters, forming a paddle-like shape.

Branches “Opposite”

The branches and buds are located directly opposite each other, and not in a checkerboard pattern. However, due to the death of individual branches, it became possible that not every branch grows in the opposite direction.

Ash grows primarily in central Europe, but there are American and Japanese varieties. The most widespread in our country is tall ash, or common ash, growing, like Norway maple, in the western and central regions of the European part of Russia, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. An adult tree reaches a height of up to 35 meters. Dry ash Ash wood is light gray in color with a pinkish or yellowish tint, with a well-defined characteristic texture pattern on the cut, variable in shades and uneven in pattern on the longitudinal section with a silky sheen. Sapwood and mature wood are practically the same. The beautiful texture is formed by stripes of distinct growth layers and is comparable to ebony and mahogany. Ash wood is hard, brittle with a matte surface. It has a structure also similar to that of oak: its main difference is the large pores, even larger than those of oak. Ash is lighter in color than oak and has a distinct pattern. Craftsmen compare the pattern on the cut of an ash tree with the crest of a sea wave. Dry ash boards lend themselves well to mechanical processing. It has excellent mechanical properties: strength and elasticity. Solid ash boards are superior in hardness to oak and second only to hornbeam, but they are very elastic and therefore often used for sports facilities. Ash is prone to cracking, so it must be dried very slowly and thoroughly. Recently, strong, easy-to-work ash wood has been actively used in the production of parquet, windows and furniture. And the sunny yellow color of dry ash fills the interior with a feeling of warmth and light. Before making any joinery product from ash, a furniture panel or blank is glued. What is the secret of the natural charm of this breed, you can only ask the ash tree itself. Even the word “ash” radiates light and literally means “clear, through.” Used in interior decoration, dry ash creates a radiant atmosphere of sun glare, a lively sense of space due to the natural graceful pattern of the structure and the ability to reflect light.

Bottom line. Which is better, depending on the purpose of the table?

When choosing a type of wood for a solid table, you should take into account financial capabilities, the functional load of the product and its location. For rooms with high humidity, as well as for the kitchen/dining table, choose solid oak, beech or Hevea. Ash, walnut, wenge or larch are suitable for a desk or computer desk. The coffee table can be made of pine; it is not used too often and is not subject to heavy loads or mechanical stress.

Despite the fairly high cost of tables made of valuable wood, by purchasing such a product on our website in the solid wood tables section, you are making a long-term investment in the interior, which acquires sophistication and durability.

You can choose an option from the catalog or send your sketch, and we will make a unique table for you, including unusual design options.

We work with the following materials: solid beech, oak or ash. We provide painting, gilding, patination (artificial aging), varnishing and protective materials, and other types of processing.

Ash in different styles

An array of Shimo ash shades can be used in different styles:

  • Provence. For this style, natural materials are the best option, and wood is perfect for this, especially if it is artificially aged.

Bedroom decoration in Provence style Source

  • Classic. The main features of this trend are a calm color scheme, an abundance of wood, and a combination of sophistication and practicality.
  • Minimalism with its characteristic laconicism, severity of forms, soft monochromatic colors. Light colors of the shimo will make the atmosphere in the room more calm and relaxing.
  • Baroque. Despite the pompous style, ash can fit harmoniously here.

Not often, but still shimo is found in loft, country and modern style furnishings.

Wallpaper with floral print in the bedroom interior Source

Solid ash kitchens: pros and cons, ideas for interior design

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The market provides consumers with a large selection of kitchen furniture, but kitchens made of natural wood still remain relevant. Most people, when choosing a set, prefer ash - this natural material is reliable and environmentally friendly, not inferior in strength to oak. A set of this type of wood will last for many years and will never go out of style. Kitchen furniture made of solid wood can say a lot about its owners and emphasize their good taste.

Ash furniture not only looks attractive, but also has a number of positive characteristics. You will find out which ones from our article.

Myth 1. A solid wood kitchen is expensive

Indeed, the price of solid wood kitchens usually exceeds prices for chipboard, MDF or plastic. This is due to the comparative high cost of wood. However, if you do not aim at very famous ones, a wooden kitchen will not empty your wallet at all.

The gradation of prices depends mainly on the type of solid wood: solid wood or laminated laminated wood is used. In the first case, the kitchen will cost more. Glued solid wood consists of many small fragments glued together, so it usually costs less. At the same time, its properties are often better - doors and shelves shrink and bend less over time.

Features of ash for the kitchen

Ash is a hard wood with excellent strength characteristics; it has been valued at all times. When choosing a headset, it is better to give preference to it over modern plastic. This tree carries only positive energy, radiates warmth and comfort in the house. On the Russian market, buyers may get confused, because solid wood kitchens can be French, Italian, English, etc.

The price of foreign-made products is higher than that of domestic ones, but such furniture can emphasize the solidity and high social status of its owners. Many furniture makers choose this material for the manufacture of kitchen furniture because ash has a beautiful texture, great durability and can withstand heavy bending and torsion loads. The most common color of wood is gray with a pink tint, but natural colors can be different.

Using ash as a material for a kitchen set is a good solution, as restrictions on the choice of color are removed. If you need to add freshness to the kitchen and make it visually more spacious, then light-colored ash furniture is suitable. It will fill the room with light. In addition, this material fits almost any style.

general information

For the production of wooden kitchen furniture, ash, oak, beech, and walnut wood are often used. Each of them has its own characteristics:

Oak is the reference and most durable material, resistant to temperature and moisture. It is valued for its distinctive texture and rich appearance. This durable and wear-resistant material easily withstands everyday heavy loads. Oak furniture lasts for decades. It is best suited for spacious rooms.

Beech is the most common and very durable material. It can be tinted in almost any color. Beech furniture should not be placed in rooms with high humidity.

Walnut has excellent performance characteristics and lends itself well to finishing. Its color can vary from light shades to dark brown.

Ash has a rich palette of shades.

Softer species are often used to produce kitchen furniture. Furniture made from alder, pine, and birch is more affordable, but is significantly inferior in durability and resistance to mechanical damage to furniture made from hardwood. An interesting material is pine . It has a light golden color and is ideal for Russian rustic style furniture. It is noteworthy that pine furniture releases phytoncides that destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Furniture made entirely of wood is very expensive and, as a rule, is made to order. Not every buyer can afford such furniture. A more common furniture option are sets where the frame is made, for example, from MDF, and the facades are made from natural wood.

The quality and durability of a solid wood kitchen largely depends on the quality of processing, so it is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers. When purchasing, carefully check the furniture for manufacturing defects. Damp wood indicates poor drying. The surface must be flat and smooth. You should pay attention to the absence of cracks near the fasteners. Potholes, abrasions and cracks on the surface are a clear sign of defective material.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a material for a headset, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons so that no problems arise during future use. Like other materials, solid ash has its pros and cons.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the kitchen set made from the required material is very practical, durable and repairable. You can be sure that kitchen furniture, if purchased from a trusted manufacturer, will last so long that even grandchildren can use it. Wood is a natural material, therefore it does not contain toxins or allergens. Furniture made from this material is safe.

Of course, an important point is the appearance, the ash set is a classic, the furniture looks attractive and solid. Even after a while, if necessary, the set can be sold, because it will not lose its original appearance. Pay attention to another significant advantage - each buyer, when placing an order at a Russian enterprise, can choose the artistic style that will fit into the interior. You can, for example, ask to add interesting finishing or some decorative elements.

Those who often move furniture when carrying out renovations may not like the fact that ash is a heavy natural material. It is unlikely that it will be possible to move it from place to place. Also, natural wood is “capricious” to frequent temperature changes; in the kitchen you will have to monitor this all the time. If the set is made of natural ash, then it should not be placed in the southern zone - direct sunlight is contraindicated for it.

In addition, ash does not like a lack of moisture or, conversely, its excess. Therefore, you will also have to monitor this point by treating the kitchen set with antiseptic agents. Due to high humidity , ash is susceptible to rapid rotting; furniture must be cleaned of dust and dirt with special wax-based sprays. This point can be considered a disadvantage, because you have to periodically care for the furniture, which is not very convenient for busy people.

Myth 5. Solid wood can withstand any load

Solid wood, especially glued wood, is truly a very durable material for furniture. But its ability to withstand loads is not infinite. Wood does not react well to changes in humidity and temperature, so the kitchen must be equipped with a good hood, and in some cases, air conditioning.

As for the weight of the countertop, sink or built-in hob, wood can usually handle them. However, if you are aiming to install a heavy natural stone countertop, pay close attention to the walls of the lower cabinets. They should be thick enough and very durable. Please note that under the pressure of a stone slab, a solid mass will become distorted over time. It is better to choose cabinets made entirely from laminated wood or with walls made of very dense chipboard or MDF.

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