How to put a bed in the bedroom

Recommendations on how to place a bed in the bedroom so that everything is correct

We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping, it is important that the sleeping place is comfortable. When deciding how to properly place a bed in the bedroom, it is worth taking into account many many nuances, because thanks to good sleep, performance is maintained, health is maintained, and youth is prolonged. The layout of modern apartments sometimes openly puts all the rules for arranging furniture in jeopardy, but even so, choosing a place to install a bed should be approached responsibly.

Folk wisdom

Before placing a diagonal bed in a 12 m2 bedroom, it is worth remembering how things actually were in China, India or Korea when the canons that we are trying to follow today were formed. In cold climates, the whole family lived on an ondoli - a large couch-podium, inside which hot smoke from the stove passes. And this is not a bed. This is a living space for living and sleeping.

Asians slept not on beds, but on mats, placed on the floor or on an ondol. The bedrooms were not filled with large bulky furniture. Therefore, you can move a light mattress or mat as you please.

This trick won't work with a European bed. Because it is often simply impossible to place a bed in a small bedroom so that its head does not look out the window, but its foot faces the door.

Still, the security system that has been developed over centuries has its own meaning. Therefore, you need to listen to it and take it into account. However, you should not blindly copy recommendations that have been worked out in other climates and under other conditions. Otherwise, it will turn out that you simply do not have enough living space for this.

TOP 5 options for placing a bed in a small bedroom

TOP 5 options for placing a bed in a small bedroom

Try not to lean your choice towards a sofa as a sleeping place, even if your room is very small. If you think through everything carefully, you can always find a suitable option. Back health and proper rest should come first. Here are some examples of how to place a bed in the bedroom.


Installation across the bedroom

For very small rooms, already 2.5 meters wide, this arrangement is not suitable, then there will be a very small distance from the wall to the bed, and this is inconvenient. The rules require leaving 60 cm or more for passage. This is not always possible, and if there is no other choice, then do not buy a bed that is too large, choose the size that is optimal for sleeping, but no more. Keep in mind that the frame is always 8-15 cm larger than the mattress for it.

Positive points:

  • You can easily approach the bed from both sides;
  • the place to sleep is not in a draft;
  • there is no radiator nearby;
  • It’s convenient to place other pieces of furniture around in a symmetrical order.

Negative sides:

– this method is not suitable for placing a bed in a narrow bedroom; the width of the room should be 2.5 meters or more.


Position of the bed along the wall

Position of the bed along the wall

This is exactly the best option for placing a bed in a narrow bedroom or in a walk-through room. There is plenty of room to move around on the side.

Positive points:

  • the passage nearby turns out to be quite spacious, which is convenient;
  • such a place is not accessible to drafts;
  • The radiator is located to the side, which means it won’t be hot either.

Negative sides:

– there is no way to approach the bed from the other side;

– the wall next to the bed becomes worn out, loses its appearance, and you will have to figure out how to avoid this, cover it with something, and so on;

– a room that is not too wide looks very narrow with this arrangement.


Position the bed with the head towards the window

Abroad, this is a very popular way to place a bed in the bedroom. But in our country, you rarely see such an arrangement in anyone’s home. Maybe abroad they use air conditioners more, but here in winter the radiators get very hot. However, sometimes it is not possible to arrange the bed differently.

This method is good because:

  • this way you can put a bed even in a very small room, no wider than one and a half or two meters;
  • it looks beautiful.

Unpleasant nuances:

— when the heating is on, intense heat comes from the radiator;

- if you open the window at night, it can blow out.


Installing the bed next to the window opening, in the transverse direction.

Installing the bed next to the window opening, in the transverse direction

The photo shows how to place a bed in the bedroom across the room next to the window. This is very suitable for narrow small spaces. For one person this arrangement is simply ideal, but for two it’s not so great.

Positive points:

  • the proportions of the room become more correct.

Negative sides:

— you can only freely approach the near edge of the bed;

— during periods when the heating is on, heat comes from the radiators.

Correct location - safety of your health

To ensure your body is properly rested overnight, give your brain some rest. This means that he will not be distracted by imaginary or real threats, remembering his inherent instincts of self-preservation.

  • Sharp corners . In the dark it is easy to trip or hit a protruding corner of furniture. Therefore, surround the bed with objects with smooth front lines. No sharp corners pointing towards the bed and the path to exit the room.



  • Window . Any openings through which light penetrates are perceived by the subconscious as a potential route for a threat to enter. Close the window with thick curtains so that while you sleep you will have good dreams and your body will feel safe.

Keep in mind that even with tightly closed frames, the glass area is quite large. Cooled air constantly flows from it, forming internal air circulation. Do not place the bed in the path of this flow. If possible, place an impenetrable barrier in the form of high backs, thick curtains, transparent partitions, etc.


  • Doors . You should see them even through closed eyelids without turning your head or torso. This means that you have everything under control and you can avoid danger in time. Otherwise, part of the brain will remain awake during sleep in an attempt to provide heightened alertness to anxiety.

Placing the bed opposite the door is unacceptable according to the rules of Feng Shui.


  • Mirrors . Yes, the mind understands that those two in the closet are just your reflection. However, the subconscious perceives them as strangers who have entered your bedroom. Therefore, place mirror surfaces so that you do not see yourself in the reflection. Let your head calm down and relieve tension.

Incorrect - the mirror is located opposite the sleeping person


  • Electricity . Don't place your bed near the TV. From it to the bed there should be about 3 meters. This means that in the adjoining living room the TV will be placed near the opposite wall.

  • Chandeliers, mezzanines and shelves . Everything that is above your head is perceived as a potential threat to life. Especially when the fasteners are not visible. In addition, it is not at all uncommon for mezzanines to fall on beds due to poor quality installation. The weight of a wall cabinet with all items can reach over 20 kg. Remember safety.

It’s another matter when the cabinets around the bed form a single structure that forms a niche. In this case, you will feel safe, as if you were hiding from predators in an ancient cave.



How to put two beds in the bedroom


When does it become necessary to install two sleeping places?

When it becomes necessary to install two sleeping places

It is clear that if we are talking about arranging two sleeping places, then you really need it. This may be advisable for various reasons, for example, if one of the two people occupying the room (even if it is husband and wife) tosses and turns too much in their sleep and interferes with the other’s sleep, or cannot rest properly if he is not sleeping alone.

Another reason why it is sometimes necessary to put two beds in one room is the arrangement of a nursery where there are two children in the family.

The need to put two beds in the bedroom may arise if the mother (or, for example, grandmother) and the child are expected to live in the room. Here you will have to think about how to organize your own section of the room for everyone, and even try to somehow close it off from the common space.

It should be understood that it will only be possible to comfortably place two beds in one room when the room is quite large and there are few or no other pieces of furniture.


What is the best way to put two beds in the bedroom?

What's the best way to put two beds in the bedroom?

The arrangement of furniture in the room needs to be thought out very carefully if you want a room with two beds to be not just cozy, but also comfortable. Here are examples of how this can be done:

  • Place the beds against one wall, parallel to each other, with the headboards facing the wall. In the case of a small room, it is better to place them on opposite walls, placing bedside tables in the middle. In a large room, you can put places to sleep on different walls, figure out where it’s better to put a closet, against another wall or next to one of the beds. In addition, do not forget that you may have to immediately arrange workplaces, and these are two tables and two chairs. It is most convenient to place them on the opposite side of the room, and even separate them with a closet.
  • How else can you put two beds in the bedroom? Move them to adjacent walls. Then there will be quite a significant distance between the sleepers, and everyone can decide at their own discretion in which direction to position their heads.
  • Perhaps the most convenient option to make people feel comfortable is to place the beds with their feet facing each other.
  • Arrangement of sleeping places in the corner, headboard to headboard. As a result, an ideal place for a cabinet is formed between them, common for both residents. Then the cabinet will fit well against the free wall. And if there is still space left in the same line with the beds, place there other necessary pieces of furniture, shelves, a chest of drawers or work tables with armchairs. The only disadvantage of this option is the rather close distance between the sleepers, which may not be very comfortable for them.


Designer design of beds

Designer design of beds

Of course, the space of the room will look harmonious if the overall design style is combined with the design of the sleeping areas. This is also an important point, along with the question of how to place beds in the bedroom. It’s good if the spouses’ beds are decorated exactly the same: it looks beautiful and complete. The same option is suitable for a nursery if you have two same-sex children with a small age difference.

In other cases, that is, when your children are a boy and a girl, or an elderly and young person will live in the room together, it is better to buy beds that are optimally suited for each family member. Then they will not necessarily be the same in design and color scheme.


Finish options

There are no restrictions on finishing options. The main thing is that both inhabitants of the room feel pleasant and comfortable in it. Consider their wishes. It is acceptable to use different materials to decorate different beds. Perhaps it will be even better, because the space will be divided into two individual zones.


Zoning techniques

What is the best way to place two beds in a bedroom so that each resident has their own personal space and place to work? If there is such a need, then it is best to place the beds on different sides of the room so that the inhabitants, going about their business and relaxing, do not interfere with each other.

Zoning techniques

A very spacious room can even be divided by a partition. The result is almost two independent rooms. This is an excellent solution for a nursery where a girl and a boy or children of different ages live. Or, for example, it is supposed to accommodate an elderly family member in the room, and with him a young man. Moreover, the partition does not have to be stationary. Its role will be perfectly fulfilled by a movable screen, which can be removed or reinstalled at any time. For spouses, this distinction need not be made.

If you are not inclined to choose partitions, divide the space into zones using design techniques, using materials of different colors and textures.

Bed placement according to feng shui

Headboard to the wall, feet to the window and at the same time see all the doors from under the eyelids without turning your head. Try this trick in a modern apartment. To do this, you need to build panel houses in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui.

This trick is easy to repeat in a private home. Such a successful layout is extremely rare in an apartment.

However, there is a way out if you position the bed diagonally . However, it is not advisable to install it near the wall adjacent to the door. There are two corners left near the window. Considering that the opening door leaf should not obscure the figure of the person entering, there are even fewer options left.

According to Feng Shui, water is a sign of change.
Even experts cannot guess whether they will be good or bad. Therefore, keeping water in the bedroom is not recommended. Even if we are talking about a vase with flowers or an aquarium with fish.

How to place a bed in the bedroom relative to the door and window

How to place a bed in the bedroom relative to the door and window

It is very undesirable to place the bed in close proximity to the window. You will have to be wary of drafts.

The same rule applies to doorways. Even a popular belief says that sleeping with your feet towards the exit is bad. And how will you feel knowing that even through a slightly open door, you are immediately visible to anyone outside the bedroom? This is hardly comfortable. In addition, you must leave space between the bed and the door so that it opens normally. That is, this piece of area remains unused.

It is also not recommended to arrange a place to sleep near the balcony. However, this is a personal matter for everyone. If you want more fresh air, please just protect yourself from drafts with thicker curtains.

Best prices for bedrooms

Another important point is how to place the bed in the bedroom according to the cardinal directions? Everything is simple here: if you are a morning person, then the sunny side is perfect for sleeping. Otherwise, place your bed out of direct sunlight.

It is very inconvenient for one of the spouses if the double bed is pushed one side directly against the wall. The other location, with the foot against the wall, is also uncomfortable. A good place for a sleeping bed is a niche. If you have one, arrange a cozy sleeping area there, protected on several sides.

So what is the best way to place a bed in the bedroom? The optimal location of a double bed is with the headboard against the wall and so that you can easily approach from the sides. It is very convenient if the door (or both entrances, if there are) is clearly visible, as well as the rest of the bedroom space.

Cardinal directions

  • North . Develops intuition.
  • Northeast . Improves mental abilities.
  • East . Provides restful sleep.
  • Southwest . This is your option if you want to mend matters of the heart.

There is a lot of advice – who should you listen to?

You can find a wide variety of tips regarding decorating your bedroom. At the same time, it is better to listen to common sense and your own feelings.

  1. If a bed located diagonally or across the room eats up all the usable space, then it is better to abandon this idea.
  2. A good indicator is cats. They are very sensitive to drafts and electromagnetic fields. It was not for nothing that they were launched into an empty room and saw where they would find a place to sleep.

In any case, first try to sleep for a few days in a new place, and only then radically change the interior.

Also look at the new designs for a 12 sq. m bedroom.

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